
Here are the links to presentations I have facilitated.

Ed Tech Teacher - San Diego 2015
How you can give students a voice in their education and allow for creativity in the classroom
This was also presented at CAST and TCEA in November 2014.

Here are a few shortcuts to links or websites I mentioned

Bulb Portfolios

TASA on iTunes U


Skype in the Classroom

iDesign - June 2014
Design Thinking and Challenge Based Learning in Life Science Courses
Click here for the Design Thinking Presentation via Keynote in iCloud Drive

TCEA - January 2014
I am heading out to TCEA tomorrow to present at the iPad Academy on the greatness of iTunes U.  I am hopeful educators will see how powerful it can be to publish your course online and to have your students as contributors to the class. 

A couple of weeks ago, a student asked me during class if I could print something he had to turn in for another class.  I printed the document and as I was walking to give it to him, I noticed a big typo in the first line.  I pointed it out to him and asked if he wanted to fix it and I would print again, but his response was, "No, that's OK, this paper will only get one view, it isn't that important."

Don't be the only viewer of your students work -- publish it and share what they are doing.  Make them compete for publication.  Make them want to produce quality work by giving them an authentic audience.

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