How do antibiotics "know" which cells to attack when you take them. How do they know what is a good cell and what is a bacteria?
TALK: Students discussed this at their tables and then we made a list of potential hypothesis. They had some really interesting thoughts and were very into the conversation.
READ: We use a case study from the World Health Organization and modified it for a 7th grade reading level. Students did a quick read of the case and we discussed as a class.
TALK: Students were given an envelope of thought questions to discuss at their table. They read the questions out loud and discussed as a group and then we discussed them as a class. Again, they were very into the conversation and had a lot of thoughtful questions.
WRITE: Students were given this prompt to write about. I was so impressed with the depth of their answers and this was a topic that they really had little prior knowledge of.
QUESTION: (We added this one) We asked students to generate a list of questions they still had regarding medicine, viruses, bacteria, and cancer. We are going to incorporate these questions into our next lessons.
Overall, this was a great experience. Here is a link to the Google folder with all the resources if you want to try it.